The 3rd Midyear International Conference (MYIC 2024)


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MYIC held as a form of real participation from higher education institution, especially Faculty Economics and Business, Universitas Jenderal Soedirman (UNSOED) on discussing recent economy issues from the perspectives of scientific studies.

This event held annually since 2022 as a national conference by Faculty of Economics and Business Unsoed. On 2023, this event upgraded to be an international conference with the name "Midyear International Conference (MYIC)" and has continue as a yearly event till date.

Publication Opportunity
 - Digital proceeding (ISSN)
 - Selected paper will be considered for publication in regular issue in accredited journal SINTA 2-4

Sub Topics
 - Creativity in Rural Tourism and Hospitality;
 - Innovation in Green Energy and Sustainability;
 - Rural Enterpreneurship and COVID Resilience;
 - Leadership, Education & Community Development;
 - SDGs & Public Policy;
 - Monetary, Banking & Green Finance;
 - Agricultural Innovation & Food Security;
 - Halal Industry & Islamic Economics;
 - Poverty and Inequality;
 - Health Economics;
 - Economis Education;
 - Human capital and economic growth;
 - Big Data and Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Person In Charge
 - Muhammad Syah Fibrika R. : 0857-2626-6046
 - Oky Anggraeni        : 0857-1346-5804

Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis (FEB) - Unsoed
11 Juli 2024
Jurusan IESP Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Unsoed